Ingram Signalization Inc. has been in business since 1959. We primarily perform Transportation related electrical construction for various municipalities within our area of operation. Ingram Signalization is a certified unlimited electrical contractor in the states of Florida and Alabama, and is a licensed Traffic Signal contractor in the States of Mississippi, and Georgia and is also certified by the Florida Department of Transportation as a DBE contractor, and as an MBE certified contractor by the state of Florida.
Most of our technicians are certified as Level II, and Level III, traffic signal technicians by the International Municipal Signal Association.
Ingram Signalization works as a Prime Contractor and as a Sub-Contractor for road builders and developers.
We work as a sub-contractor for road builders or permit holders:
[c] 2025 Ingram Signalization • 4522 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola FL 32503 Office: (850) 433-8267